Andrew Cotton and General Tire: Making Waves Together
At General Tire, we embody the characteristics that ensure that Anywhere Is Possible.
We’re continuously pushing the boundaries and setting demands of ourselves in the quest to achieve ultimate performance. And it’s why we, like you, are drawn to extraordinary people, such as surfer, Andrew Cotton.
Inspiring people create inspiring stories – sometimes tragic, always heroic, but ultimately transformative. The journey makes all the difference. We understand this process only too well. Andrew’s story is an adrenaline fuelled odyssey – from nowhere to somewhere to everywhere. And back again – one moment (literally) riding the crest of a wave, the next down – but not wiped out.
And whether at the beach, in rough terrain, or down the motorway – off-road and on – General Tire have shared this journey with Andrew throughout. We’ve provided him with encouragement and confidence as he faces the highs and the lows of his inspiring journey. No matter what.
Anywhere Is Possible. General Tire are Making it Possible. Live Life to the Full.
Making Waves Together

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