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Backyard Adventures

My name is Craig Muller,

I come from East London in the Eastern Cape. At the very core of what I do - is to inspire others to get outdoors and explore, through trail running, mountain biking, 4x4, and photography. 

Family, friends and nature are my passion. General Tire allows me to safely and confidently travel down the road less travelled, as I share what Mother Nature has to offer with friends and family. 

Follow Craig on Facebook and Instragrm:

FB: @BackyardAdventuresSA

Instagram: @craigmuller backyard

Craig has been with us for a little over a year and started out as one of our original ambassadors that we “recruited” via a structured selection process. Craig possesses an incredible photographic skill and apart from the images that you will find on his Facebook (@BackyardAdventuresSA) and Instagram Accounts (backyard_adventures_sa) he is also one of the official event photographers for Ironman SA.

By virtue of his business, Backyard Adventures SA, Craig is an adventurer – a perfect fit for the adventurous lifestyle that the General Tire Brand advocates. The Q&A that we feature in the Communications Newsletter is a small insight into what makesCraig tick. He is completely unassuming and a proud ambassador for our Brand.